Recapturing Eden
God’s plan for Adam and Eve was to live in intimate relationship with Him and with each other. Their “nakedness”—in every meaning of the word—with each other was their daily experience. Then Satan tempted them with experiences God had clearly forbidden. Instead of experiencing freedom, they ended up not naked and unashamed, but clothed and separated from God and each other. This video series very practically and biblically teaches us how to return to “Eden” and live as we were designed to live.
Click each lesson TITLe to access Its PDF outline:
- It’s About Design: Discovering God’s Phenomenal Intention for Marriage
- Expectations in Eden: I Never Thought I’d Be Wearing Fig Leaves
- (and 4.) Naked in Eden: The Way It Was Meant to Be (parts 1 and 2)
- Naked in Eden: The Way It Was Meant to Be (part 2) (See link above)
- (and 6.) Recapturing Eden through Love and Respect (parts 1 and 2)
- Recapturing Eden through Love and Respect (part 2) (See link above)
- Together, “Rule Over” — Not “Be Ruled By”
- Whose Voice Are We Listening To? Developing Healthy Communication in Marriage
- Leave Who? Developing Healthy Parent and In-Law Relationships
- Bone of My Bone but a Mind of Her Own: God’s Design for Uniqueness in Marriage
- Renewing an Eden Experience: Spiritual Vitality in Marriage
- Wardrobe by God: The God of Second Chances