Our youth face so many choices today.

With the constant strain of often relentless peer pressure, it’s hard for kids to make the right choices. H.I.M.’s youth programs and resources specifically address choices facing them and how God would want us to make those choices.

Virtual Family Camp 2020

Bring your family along to HIM Family Camp this year…virtually! All the resources you need to lead your family in a time of learning and celebration together are provided on our VFC homepage. Pick your own schedule, pick your own pace… but please join us on this journey as we study the story of Caleb and the children of Israel as told in the book of Numbers. Tell your friends about virtual family camp, too!

Seminar: Worth It

“Worth It” is a one-day seminar designed to encourage and equip teens and parents towards God’s best in opposite sex relationships. Through speakers and workshops you will discover that you are worth waiting for God’s best, God’s plan is worth wait; God’s gift of sex is worth the wait.  The 2018 Worth It seminar was held on Saturday, April 7.  Please visit our Worth It Resources page.

What attendees are saying about Worth It:

“Just such a great conference and such humble approachable speakers. Thank you!”

“Awesome day with the family.”

Answering what was the most beneficial part of the day: “the honesty, transparency, and vulnerability of all the speakers. The Scripture that was grounded in every speaker's talk.”

“Incredible. Thank you for this valuable teaching!”

“Great info! Honest stories. Great encouragement!”

Book: Letters to My Daughters

A dad shares his heart and wisdom with his three daughters regarding a life-changing decision: marriage. Through 52 personal letters to Kari, Lisa, and Julie, Paul Friesen pens his insights on the importance of convictions, character, considerations, and chemistry as they relate to relationships.

There is a companion study guide to go with “Letters to My Daughters” — be sure to read about it below.

Letters to My Daughters

Discussion Guide for Letters to My Daughters

The Discussion Guide is intended to help parents, youth leaders, small group leaders, and teens work through and get the most out of their study of Letters to My DaughtersLetters to My Daughters is a book written by a dad as he shares his heart and wisdom with his three daughters regarding a life-changing decision: marriage. Through 52 personal letters to Kari, Lisa, and Julie, Paul Friesen pens his insights on the importance of convictions, character, considerations, and chemistry as they relate to relationships.

Discussion Guide for Letters to My Daughters