Friesen Family

From Easter to Ohana Life

From Easter to Ohana Life

A delayed flight out of Kona provides the perfect window for reflecting on the past month here in our blog. We’re in the middle of a seven-week trip, which kicked off in Oakland, CA, on March 28 and will end May 20 with a marriage conference in Phoenix, AZ.

From Element to Engagement: Five Wonderful Weeks of Ministry

From Element to Engagement: Five Wonderful Weeks of Ministry

Our very full speaking schedule picked up after having one weekend “home” in February (the 16-18th), and the past month has seen us in North Carolina, Oahu, Pennsylvania, and Boston. Whew! We’re thankful for so many great opportunities and continue to be so grateful for good health and an ever deepening passion to continue encouraging marriages and families.

Capture His Joy!

Capture His Joy!

“Rejoice always!” (I Thessalonians 5:16)

Always? Wow! That’s a lot!!

Some days that’s harder than others.

Like after returning from our ministry tour in the frigid Pacific NW in January, we tried to coax our hot water heater to come off vacation but to no avail. Apparently being on vacation was to be a permanent destination, so three days later, after no hot water (which greatly impacted our plans to begin our baking marathon in anticipation of the HIM marriage conference the following weekend), and $3500 less in our till, the new water heater was installed and we were back in business.

But that was followed by spending 5 hours the next day at the SS Administration (and leaving with the job not finished) and 2 hours at the DMV getting new licenses and registering our cars.

Some days it’s harder to rejoice than others.

It's a New Year

It's a New Year

“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof . . .” —Psalm 24:1

This glorious sunset welcomed us home last night as we returned from spending most of the first month of 2024 in the west. New year, old truths. The earth is the Lord’s . . . and though there are many discouraging realities of life on earth, our hope continues to be in Him: creator, sovereign, faithful, good God. How reassuring that is!!

How Is it December Already?

How Is it December Already?

I don’t know if anyone else is reeling from the calendar date and wondering how we got here so quickly, but I am. The past six weeks are a bit of a blur so the expectation of being home the next three weeks (the longest stretch since we moved to Fairfax in August) brings great comfort.

When the present busyness of the holidays seems like a restful, slow-down-and-smell-the-roses period of time, you know you’ve been on a tear.

So in the dark early morning on this 32-degree day in northern Virginia, it’s good to sit by candlelight and reflect on what has filled the days since Nov. 1.

Wherever you are, be all there

Wherever you are, be all there

"Wherever you are, be all there. Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.” —Jim Elliot

These wise words from Jim Elliot have taken on an even deeper meaning over these past two months as we’ve transitioned from a 32-year history of living in the Boston area to our new address in Fairfax, VA. Since making the move on August 20, we’ve actually spent less than 4 weeks in Fairfax and those days have been largely dedicated to unpacking and settling in. We don’t yet have a good answer to “how do you like living in Fairfax?” . . . but we are “living to the hilt, believing we’re absolutely in the will of God.

. . . and then we work

. . . and then we work

Each sunset and sunrise is unique and, like fingerprints, snowflakes, and humans, no two are ever exactly alike. This beauty captivated us as the sun set behind our home in Fairfax. God of all creation!! How majestic are your works in all the earth!!

We were thankful for this sky show seen during our four days of being home after moving here and before departing on a month-long speaking tour. We were also grateful to have the opportunity to walk the Littles to school on one of those four days . . . since they are the main reason we made this move. Joy!