Though the prediction of a “really big storm” was not fulfilled, this winter scene reflects His glory nonetheless.
“Rejoice always!” (I Thessalonians 5:16)
Always? Wow! That’s a lot!!
Some days that’s harder than others.
Like after returning from our ministry tour in the frigid Pacific NW in January, we tried to coax our hot water heater to come off vacation but to no avail. Apparently being on vacation was to be a permanent destination, so three days later, after no hot water (which greatly impacted our plans to begin our baking marathon in anticipation of the HIM marriage conference the following weekend), and $3500 less in our till, the new water heater was installed and we were back in business.
But that was followed by spending 5 hours the next day at the SS Administration (and leaving with the job not finished) and 2 hours at the DMV getting new licenses and registering our cars.
Some days it’s harder to rejoice than others.
Especially if our joy is solely linked to our circumstances.
Thankfully, we’re wiser than that and try to live by the truth spoken by Chuck Swindoll years ago: “Life is 10% circumstances and 90% attitude.”
After the hot water heater challenge, and the bureaucratic time robber, we spent the weekend hanging out with our kids and grandkids, going to church together, watching Nathan’s basketball game, and tuning in to football play-offs. A full day of counseling on Monday, Jan. 29, was next, and then we spent three days baking 1200 cookies between us for the marriage conference. After delivering 800 of the cookies to friends who were driving to the conference, we packed up Paul’s 400 chocolate chip cookies (which were given to our guests at the welcome registration table Friday), and were off to Newport, RI, on Thursday night, Feb 1.
Using the Marriott Hotel on America’s Cup Avenue for the first time (the venue on Goat Island we’ve used for 20 years was closed for renovations) presented new challenges of “unknowns,” but Gabby Warren, our extremely competent and gifted Admin, had it all under control and we experienced nothing more than a few minor hiccups as we adjusted to this beautiful new (to us) site. All day Friday, Kelly Plosker (and a few willing helpers) prepared the ballroom and registration desk with lovely decorations and goodie bags, Jamie Phillips and Richard Hendricks set up the sound and AV system, David and Cynthia Tipton bagged the 400 chocolate chip cookies for distribution, Danny Oertli and his band practiced, Rob and Gabby prepared for registration, and once that began at 4 pm, we were off and running.
From the 8 pm launch of the program with Danny and company leading us in a rousing rendition of “There is Joy in the House of the Lord,” ’til the last strains of “Would you marry me again?” fading Sunday at 1, the presence of the Lord was palpable and joy permeated the space.
All praise is His!!
Sold out with 400 people, the weekend was energy-filled, very alive, uplifting, and a practical “shot in the marriage arm” for all those attending. From the varied workshops offered, to the worship and the plenary sessions, to the fellowship around tables, in hallways, and during meals, our hunger for connection with others and the Lord was met in unique and personal ways. Almost 40 couples attended the “married 4 years or less” dinner, and they plied the panel with great questions related to early years of marriage. The pastors and family ministries folks packed a breakfast room Sunday morning and shared ideas of how to invest in the marriages in their churches. Well over half of the attendees stayed for the “after hours” concert Saturday night and were treated to the musical giftedness of Danny Oertli and Dave Beagle while munching on homemade cookies. The book table, hosted by Steve and Janet Hathaway and Dave and Diana Watts, was a hive of activity all weekend.
And the weather was perfect for outdoor walking under bright blue skies and a “warm” wintry 38-40 degrees. After last year’s -15 when the tropospheric vortex settled above Newport, this was a virtual heatwave!!
As we gathered to give thanks Sunday afternoon after the crowd had dissipated, we had nothing but hearts bursting with joy and thanksgiving for having been met in such a powerful, “Only God” sort of way.
Paul’s “World Famous” chocolate chip cookies welcomed everyone to the conference and were definitely appreciated.
The “Team” : workshop leaders, band members, behind-the-scenes workers. We gathered Friday night prior to launch to pray for the weekend, and met each morning before breakfast to lift the conference to the Lord. We all know we can’t change hearts or bring healing to a struggling marriage, but He can. And we asked Him to do just that.
The itinerary for the weekend, beautifully designed by Barbara Steele.
Steve and Janet Hathaway and Dave and Diana Watts took care of the book table exceptionally, as always.
400 attendees from almost 100 churches and 13 states joined in unity for the weekend.
Dr. Harold and Dalia Arnold gave testimony of how God had moved their marriage from status quo to a true oneness relationship.
Bill and Christi Bachman shared how God had led them to put their marriage and family before their business callings.
The ballroom was full of very responsive, eager listeners.
Paul and I did the four plenary session talks as well as two workshops. Here we’re speaking on extended family relationships.
From the Eusebeia Conference for which we speak every October, 12 couples journeyed north to attend our conference. How we’ve grown to love these couples who are led by Dr. Harold and Dalia Arnold. We had a special meeting with them late Saturday afternoon.
Saturday night’s banquet was beautifully set in the atrium.
The dinner for those married 4 years or less was packed with 40 couples who came loaded with thoughtful questions for the panel of four couples married much longer than 4 years.
Breakfast for pastors and ministry leaders was also packed and some great ideas were shared.
And the sun set on a beautiful weekend.
A few comments from conference attendees:
“It was amazing as always. Thank you to you and Paul, your team, the speakers, and the band. God is so good! You are all a blessing!”
“We are truly grateful for all the spiritual work God had done in your lives and the presenters’ to be able to talk on deeply important topics so that we all could be impacted in a new way to have Him meet us in our places this weekend. Looking forward to next year!”
“It has been amazing!
Always such an incredibly Holy Spirit-filled weekend.”
“Last weekend, we joined Paul and Virginia’s H.I.M. marriage retreat in a chilly but beautiful Newport, RI. These are some of our favorite people speaking into a most important topic with joy, love, grace, and respect. Everything about the weekend and its programs was brilliant, God-honoring, informative, and filled with laughter and real joy. Our souls were well fed with the best company, great worship/music, meeting new friends who now feel like old friends, and of course more importantly, the gospel. I couldn’t be more grateful for the Friesens’ ministry and God’s work through and in them. Just. Wow.”
We returned to Fairfax late Sunday night with full hearts and tired bodies, overwhelmed by His goodness and power.
Before heading off to Sarasota three days later, we had a full day of counseling, walked the grandchildren to or from school a couple of days, and spent a lovely morning with Nate and Lexi Solder, ex-Pats and fellow pilgrims. When our lives first intersected 10 years ago, neither had a relationship with Christ but both attended the couples’ study we led for the Patriots, and Lexi attended the women’s study.
And God brought them to Himself and they’ve been in pursuit of His heart ever since. They moved to this area about the same time we did and we were all so happy to connect after months of trying. It was such a joy to spend a couple of hours catching up with them and hearing how the Lord is working in their lives.
Nate and Lexi are preparing for a ministry call.
And then we were off to warmer climes. For the third year in a row, we returned to Sarasota, FL, to partner with the Sarasota Community Church.
Not our typical audience, this Mennonite congregation (average age: 72) of over 500 is steeped in church tradition (they sing hymns and wear Sunday clothes to worship service) AND they really love Jesus. Their faith is sincere and active and we truly love being with them.
They don’t want us to teach on marriage and family, but on the call of Christ regardless of what stage of life you’re in. Therefore, on Saturday night’s banquet for about 140, we spoke on “Being Green with Sap” out of Psalm 92:12–15.
Liz Lane, discipleship pastor, supported the theme with tables adorned with palm fronds, leaf placemats, and gold accents which set the stage for the “Der Dutchman Restaurant” catered dinner. It was an evening full of life and challenge as the attendees were reminded that their lives still mattered and that God has purposes for each of them as long as they’re breathing.
The tables were beautifully set for this very special evening.
The room was filled with happy-to-be-here people.
We were especially delighted to have friends show up for the banquet: Bill and Debbie and Rob and Jill came even after finding out we wouldn’t be teaching on marriage.
Sunday we taught a Sunday school class from the life of Moses, and at the worship service on “Abiding in Him.” We were so very thankful to be with this aging congregation that is so alive in Christ. Such a privilege!!
The Sarasota Community Church is full of saints.
Dennis Bontrager (with his wife Alice) is the lead interim pastor and has been used by God in a very powerful way these past couple of years in bringing stability to the church, and Liz Lane, the discipleship pastor, has poured her heart and soul into strengthening this body of believers through difference-making discipleship programs. We loved partnering with this team.
While in the area, we were able to connect with some very dear friends.
We spent 3 hours with Cissie Graham Lynch, solving many world problems. Her podcast, “Fearless with Cissie Graham Lynch” is well worth turning in to.
We were delighted to have lunch with Bill and Linda Tiffan one day. Bill was Paul’s first supervisor with Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship back in 1973 and he remains one of our dearest friends to this day.
We watched the Super Bowl with our super friends, Chad and Cathy Robrock, whom we met on a Caribbean cruise 10 years ago. We became fast friends on that cruise and have connected with them at every opportunity since. No one throws a party like the two of them and we were feted with the most remarkable spread for the Super Bowl. Everything except the final score was perfect about the evening.
I wasn’t kidding.
Our last night in Sarasota was spent with Don and Yannette Davis, whom we met in 2002 when Don came to play for the Patriots. Over the past twenty years, we’ve shared seasons of Bible study while he was on the team, and then years of the PAO conference. Our friendship runs deep and we were so delighted to have time together after a few years of absence.
We did make it to the beach one afternoon while in Sarasota and loved our five mile walk along the sandy shore.
We returned from Sarasota Tuesday, Feb. 13, and are enjoying a week at home before we take off for North Carolina this weekend. From that point on, we’ll have very few days at home between then and the end of June, so we’re squeezing in all the grandchildren time we can these days.
We love walking to the kids’ school so we can walk them home.
We were graciously invited to the Johnsons’ home for a five star Valentines’ dinner of filet and scallops, a la Chef Derek. No restaurant could compete.
In a very delayed fashion, I hosted a birthday tea party for Rachel (whose birthday was Nov 11) and a couple of her friends. It was a “throwback” of sorts, with Rachel wearing the pink gingham dress with white pinafore I had made for Lisa to wear for her 8th birthday.
Papa honored the birthday girl with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and balloons, which put the finishing touches on this special party.
The joyous moments of this past month have outpaced the hard moments in spades and we are deeply grateful for good health and great opportunities to continue proclaiming the good news about marriage and family in a wide variety of venues. We are reminded daily that this is His work and our dependence on Him is complete.
He is faithful and we are blessed.
And joyous.
Walking around a lake in Sarasota, this bevy of pink pelicans floated in unity around the lake for over an hour. It was a beautiful, somewhat unusual sight (according to some locals). We didn’t see any sunsets while we were there, but His glory is seen in these lovely pink pelicans.