
Capture His Joy!

Capture His Joy!

“Rejoice always!” (I Thessalonians 5:16)

Always? Wow! That’s a lot!!

Some days that’s harder than others.

Like after returning from our ministry tour in the frigid Pacific NW in January, we tried to coax our hot water heater to come off vacation but to no avail. Apparently being on vacation was to be a permanent destination, so three days later, after no hot water (which greatly impacted our plans to begin our baking marathon in anticipation of the HIM marriage conference the following weekend), and $3500 less in our till, the new water heater was installed and we were back in business.

But that was followed by spending 5 hours the next day at the SS Administration (and leaving with the job not finished) and 2 hours at the DMV getting new licenses and registering our cars.

Some days it’s harder to rejoice than others.