Justin Unger

Off and running in 2025

Off and running in 2025

Welcome to 2025!! We’re off and running in the new year and have so much to be thankful for as this quarter century year gets underway.

The first week of January found us in Oakland, CA, hanging out with our three grandchildren and daughter Lisa while Kari and Gabe attended a church planting pastors’ conference in Miami. Dog walking, bowling, walking to and from school, geocaching, and celebrating Lisa’s birthday filled our days and we delighted in having some extended time with the grands.

Sweet Summertime

Sweet Summertime

We’ve enjoyed a somewhat slower pace since returning from our two-month ministry tour, which ended May 20 when we re-settled in Fairfax. In fact we’ve racked up 21 days out of the past 42 sleeping in our own bed! That’s some kind of a record!!

During the first few days we were home, we had a day of counseling and we did a podcast with Jim Ramos of “Men in the Arena.” It can be found here. We also walked the kids to or from school as often as possible and kept them overnight while their parents snuck away. These are the joys of living only 2 miles apart. We’re loving it!