Off and running in 2025

Welcome to 2025!! We’re off and running in the new year and have so much to be thankful for as this quarter century year gets underway.

The first week of January found us in Oakland, CA, hanging out with our three grandchildren and daughter Lisa while Kari and Gabe attended a church planting pastors’ conference in Miami. Dog walking, bowling, walking to and from school, geocaching, and celebrating Lisa’s birthday filled our days and we delighted in having some extended time with the grands.

It was fun, but quite clear that none of us are prospective bowling leaguers. :)

Geocaching fun.

Before Gabe and Kari returned, we left the kids in Lisa’s care and flew to the Pacific NW for our annual date in Moses Lake and the now second annual conference at South Hills Church in Kennewick, WA.

It was such a joy to be back with Scott and Lisa Paulson, who lead this ministry in Kennewick. Scott served on our summer camp staff back in the 90’s and it is a testament to God’s faithfulness through the generations to partner with him now as a lead pastor. He and Lisa are being used mightily by the Lord in this dynamic church.

Scott and Lisa Paulson serve the community at South Hills Church as lead pastor and women’s ministry point person.

The marriage conference was Friday night, starting with dinner, and Saturday morning, ending just after noon. From newlyweds to couples married over 40 years, the spectrum of ages and stages was wide and we always feel that’s the sign of a healthy church. There was good interaction and the vibe was very positive.

Dinner, breakfast, and snacks, with teaching in between. The Paulsons did a great job of planning and executing the weekend conference.

After the conference ended, we had a yummy Thai food lunch with Scott and Lisa as well as with Scott’s brother Duke and his wife Amy. We’ve loved these guys since the early 90’s and are so happy for these moments of reconnection.

Amy and Duke Paulson and Scott and Lisa Paulson—so thankful they’ve been in our lives for more than 30 years now.

Paul preached at both Sunday morning services on “Thankfulness” and received many “that’s just what I needed to hear” comments following. It was so encouraging to be a part of this thriving congregation and to get even a small glimpse of how God is working there.

Scott introduces Paul during the morning Sunday services.

We managed to walk 5 miles along the beautiful Columbia River at day’s end, experiencing both the setting sun and the rising full moon.

Saturday evening, our dear friends John and Joy Erb and their sons drove from Yakima to take us out to dinner. It was great to catch up with them and we were greatly encouraged by the faith of these young men.

Sunday afternoon we left Kennewick in our rear view mirror and drove to Moses Lake, where we were welcomed in to the warm home of Mark and Sharon Blazer. Mark and Sharon have poured in to marriages for many years now, both at the Moses Lake Alliance Church and the Moses Lake Christian Church. With 53 years of marriage under their belts, their wisdom is real and impacting as they mentor a number of young couples, as well as help plan marriage events like the marriage conference.

Hosted by the Moses Lake Christian Church, and planned and executed by a team which included the Blazers, the Shucks, the Lawsons, and the Kernans, a church-wide “marriage night” was held Tuesday evening at the Moses Lake Christian Church. Lead pastor John Roberts emceed the evening and after a time of worship, we spoke on “Great Marriage: Harder than you thought; easer than you think.” The response was enthusiastic and thoughtful. We were so thankful for the evening.

Lead pastor of Moses Lake Christian Church, John Roberts, welcomes everyone to the evening as the worship team prepares to lead.

The house was almost packed for the marriage evening.

A full counseling day, daily walks, dinner with Pastor John and his wife Sharlyn, and preparing for upcoming events filled Wednesday and Thursday, and then on Friday we headed to Camp Spaulding in Newport, WA, for the annual marriage retreat held at Clearwater Lodge. The facility is beautiful and offers both the comfort of a lovely hotel and the isolation of a retreat, complete with little internet and no TV’s.

This is the 18th year we’ve been honored to speak at this yearly event and our hearts have grown very deep for many of these dear folks. The weekend experience delivers on all levels: great fellowship, yummy food, and a marriage "booster shot.”

The attendees at the marriage conference hosted by the Moses Lake Christian Church and the Moses Lake Alliance Church.

The worship team, led by Pastor John Roberts, did a wonderful job of leading us in worship.

Our panel, featuring John and Sharlyn Roberts and us, fielded great questions submitted by the attendees. We had a great time!

The team, which worked tirelessly to make the weekend a great experience.

We flew home on Sunday, Jan 19, and were SO happy that the 12” of snow which fell Jan 6, the day after we left on this trip, was still around enough for a little sledding!! We sledded by ourselves one day (the kids were in school) and after school one day with Rachel.

We loved it! How fortunate we are to have a perfect sledding hill literally across the street from our house! Though we truly missed being home for the great snow fall, we were so happy that sub-freezing temps for the couple of weeks which followed preserved it . . . for us. :) We know we’re in the minority who feel that way.

Rachel joined us for some sledding fun after school.

This is right across the street from us!!

We were home long enough to unpack, do laundry, begin baking cookies for the marriage conference, have a day of counseling, and then we were out the door for Sarasota, FL, on Thursday, Jan 23rd.

Before we got to work on Friday, we met up with our dear friend Yannette and caught up over lunch. It was a delight in every way, except missing her husband, Don, who was on a business trip.

Yannette Davis drove to meet us for lunch and none of us wanted it to end.

For the fourth year in a row, we were honored to partner with the Sarasota Community Church. This Mennonite church has a 75-year history in Sarasota and is home to second-half of lifers. The ministry of discipleship and events is directed by a dear friend and former student from our days teaching at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Liz Baker Lane.

Friday evening, over 100 came out for a lovely dinner catered by “Der Dutchman Restaurant,” followed by us speaking on “Pursuing Unity in a Divided World.” Obviously there are challenges to unity from within our homes to the national and global levels, so there were many applications to the John 17 command: “that they may all be one, just as you Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”

Several people related to us on Sunday that because of that talk, they had reached out to someone from whom they were estranged. So encouraging!!

Sarasota Community Church is located in the center of the Amish/Mennonite section of Sarasota, the “snowbird” destination of these religious groups.

Folks came out Friday night for fellowship, food, and encouragement, and they left “fed” in all three.

Gilbert and Liz (prayer ministry), and Dennis and Alice (interim pastor) faithfully serve this great church.

We met with Dennis Bontrager, interim pastor, early Saturday morning, followed by meeting with the church board and the search committee. The time around the table was lively and honest and we helped them clarify what they’re looking for in their next pastor and how to find him. We thoroughly enjoyed our time together with this committed group and are praying with them as they continue the search.

Sunday morning we taught their adult Sunday School class on “Bearing Fruit during a Drought” and then taught at church on “Being Thankful.” It was so energizing to be in this full sanctuary, worshipping with just under 500, singing some of the great hymns of the faith. Definitely a throw-back feel.

The worship service was very full.

After church, about two thirds of the congregation stayed for the “Carry-In” lunch which is their term for “Pot Luck”—which is also a “throw back” to church days gone by. It is so good for the soul to celebrate community together over a meal. Since studies tell us that loneliness is the most pervasive problem for most people, these events help to mitigate this very real issue, especially for this age and stage group.

These are the “worker bees” who are found at every event we’ve done at SCC. Salt of the earth folks they are!!

When all was said and done, Liz drove us to the airport, but not until after having a DD (Dunkin’ Donuts) stop. And then, as we sat on the plane to take off, God painted the sky with an extraordinary kaleidoscope of color. A perfect ending to a great weekend!!

Liz Baker Lane and I shared a “memory lane” moment at DD.

Our parting view of Sarasota at sunset, shot through the window of the plane.

Home on the 26th, we wrapped up January with our annual HIM marriage conference. Monday through Wednesday, we baked like crazy people to fulfill our commitment to having 450 chocolate chip cookies ready to welcome our guests at registration (Paul’s job) and 850 cookies for our coffee house/concert “door prizes” Saturday night.

This is our idea. No one “makes” us do it and we both love baking to bless. We do have to strategically plan when we each get kitchen time since we share one single oven, one 6-qt Kitchen Aid mixer, and 3 Air Bake cookie sheets.

We manage quite well, and by the time we drove to Newport, RI, at 5 am on Thursday, the 30th, we had accomplished our task.

After 5 months of diligently planning, registering, and assembling a great team, the conference launched on Friday evening at 8 pm. We had 220 couples registered and 215 came (that’s 430 people!) and from the moment the first song was sung, the energy and vibe were electric.

Leading worship for us this year was a husband-wife team, Justin and Falon Unger, whom we had met at Forest Home last summer. We spoke on marriage and family and they (along with their 3 sons) led worship for the week. We were so impressed with their gift of leading us in worship, we wanted to share them with our New England village. Justin leads from the keyboard and together they sing from humble hearts. They upheld the tradition of the HIM marriage conference having great times of worship.

We also brought in, from Santa Barbara, CA, Davd Guzik, an amazing Bible teacher. We also met him at Forest Home last summer and were so impressed with his deep-dive teaching from scripture, we invited him to speak for the Saturday night plenary, as well as to offer two workshops. We were delighted to have him and his wife Inga-Lill with us.

Our remarkable team covered every base with excellence and competence. From decorations (thanks to Bill and Ann Fredericks who stepped in at the last minute and did a fabulous job), to registration, to workshop leaders, to tech people, to book table ministry, to packaging almost 1500 cookies, to emceeing, to liaising with the hotel, to worship, to teaching, the Lord met us at every turn and everyone used their gifts to the fullest—all to the glory of God. The team effort was palpable.

And what a great team it was!! Hailing from FL (the Metcalfs and the Watts), CA (the Ungers and the Guziks), PA (the Arnolds), MD (the Warrens), VA (us), NH (Becky Lecklider), MT (Jamie Phillips), and MA (pretty much everyone else). We were blessed by all of them, but it bears special mention to name Pat and Betsy Drumm, who at the end of last year’s conference, offered to help us out with tech stuff this year. They explained that they work in the industry and would love to volunteer themselves and their equipment for the conference.

And they did just that. They were both professional and excellent, and saved our ministry probably $1K by contributing the use of their equipment and running it. What a gift!!

So many did so much, but there were a few who did the lion's share of making this conference happen. Barbara and Guy Steele made sure that everything printed was done and collated for everyone; Richard Hendricks was “Johnny on the spot” for whatever was needed, pre-, post-, and during the conference. And Gabby Warren (and her wonderful husband Rob) worked tirelessly behind the scenes, registering, collecting, working with the hotel, interfacing with the conferees, and making sure that everything ran flawlessly.
And it did. We are so blessed beyond to have such amazing people in our lives.

Here are a few photos to fill-in the blanks:

Rob Warren, emcee, welcomes everyone on opening night.

Lunch break on Saturday with David and Inga-Lill Guzik, Rob and Gabby Warren, Justin and Falon Unger.

We were thrilled to have a great group from our sister movement, Eusebeia, brave the New England winter to join us for the conference.

We had over 40 couples who had been married three years or less in attendance, and they’ve gathered here for the “Newlywed Dinner” Saturday night, which featured a panel of older, wiser couples who answered questions submitted by the group.

Justin and Falon did an after-hours concert Saturday night, much to the delight of those who stayed.

Early each morning, our team gathered to pray for the day.

The “remnant” : around 2 pm Sunday, after all the guests had left and the room had been broken down, this crew tied up loose ends. #blessed

A few comments from the evaluations:

"Thank you so much for putting all of this on. Being married only 5 months, we got a lot of tools to put in our tool box and are thankful to hear from such wise, godly voices throughout the weekend."

"Conference was great once again. Thank you for all the prayerful and purposeful planning. It really ministered to our lives and our marriage.”

"Our first time. Excellent. Exceeded our expectations."

"We are so thankful for this conference. We were invited several years ago and our son and daughter now come with us in addition to my husband’s team from work!"

"Well done! Paul and Virginia’s content is always current, thoughtful, loving, and comprehensive.”

"What a gift you have given married couples through the conference. Thank you!”

“David Guzic’s teaching was powerful and enlightening."

The worship team was fantastic. It's so rare to have a team actually lead worship and not fall into "performance-mode"; that is, the couples were led to the Lord and not to the team."

Thank you for the amazing, hard work that is poured into this event. It is incredible and has shaped the way we function as a team. We truly appreciate all that you do!!!”

As we’re “off and running in 2025,” we are bursting with joy and thanksgiving for all of the ways He moved among us and in us throughout this first month the new year. All praise is truly His and we are nothing but grateful.

Sunset from our backyard the day after the conference…The Glory of God!