In an incredible stroke of good fortune, we were home for The Blizzard of 2022.
Obviously not everyone shares our view of seeing this as a good thing, but for these Californian bred kids, snow is still a joy-bringer. #truth
So we took advantage of it between counseling appointments and preparations for the HIM Marriage Conference, which followed the blizzard weekend. Snow tubing while school was in session gave us access to a “no-lines” hill and we maximized the potential. It never gets old . . . at least, not yet. I also squeezed in a couple of cross country skiing adventures, made easily possible by our proximity to conservation land which abuts our property. No driving necessary. Blessed by perfect conditions, the stillness and serenity of skiing through silent fields of white was soul-refreshing.
Filled with gratitude that the blizzard happened a week ahead of our annual marriage conference, we continued prepping for the conference throughout the week.
We had the hill to ourselves while school was in session which meant no waiting in line. Sweet!
Tubing together . . . no place we’d rather be!
The woods behind our house are perfect for cross country skiing and I was so happy to take advantage of the opportunity! Note that Paul doesn’t share my love for this activity.
The early forecast for Feb 4–6 was clear and cold and we were so thankful. Unfortunately, as the weekend drew nigh, a “winter event” arrived on Friday, bringing with it ice, sleet, and snow—just as our 162 couples were making their way to Newport, RI.
The determination of these couples to get to the conference outweighed the challenges they faced. One couple, who flew from CA to NY, ended up renting a car to drive from Newark to Providence when their connecting flight was canceled. Two other couples, flying in from Dallas, TX, had to drive to Houston to catch a flight after Dallas was hit with snow and ice. Another couple, flying in from Pittsburgh, were rerouted through Atlanta to make it to RI. It took one couple 7 hours to drive from Concord, NH, to Newport (typically a 2.5 hours trip.)
Undeterred, they came. It was palpable in the air that everyone was beyond stoked to be gathering in person after a Covid-forced hiatus last year. We needed to be refreshed.
And God met us there.
In really big ways.
And all praise is His!!
Ice and snow didn’t stop 162 couples from gathering for the HIIM marriage conference in Newport, RI.
The traditions picked up where they left off. Kelly Plosker once again transformed the ballroom into a place of “refreshing” beauty, complete with lovely centerpieces and sweet treat bags.
Kelly’s handiwork sets the stage for attendees to “feel the love” when they arrive at the conference.
Barbara Steele’s desktop publishing always is top-shelf, combining important information and beautiful design.
The “team” gathered for prayer and confirmation of details prior to the launch and we were reminded how blessed we are to be surrounded by such quality, Christ-centered humans.
Most of the “behind the scenes” or on stage people who make the conference happen posed for this photo before heading out to fulfill their duties.
During our meeting, we did celebrate our incredible assistant, Gabby Warren. Her birthday seems to fall during or close to the weekend, which means she’s celebrated by over 320 people!!
And at 8 pm, Friday, February 4, the 18th annual HIM marriage conference got underway. Worship led by Danny and Rayna Oertli and their band, which was energetic and passionate, kicked off the weekend and the joy of worshiping together seemed to be oozing from everyone’s pores and voices as the room was filled with beautiful sounds of praise.
And that’s how the weekend rolled. High energy. High expectations. High passion.
Every part of it combined to make a very high impact conference. Rob Warren emceed and managed make everyone feel welcomed as well as to involve them with some table games which spawned some friendly competition at each plenary session.
Besides the four plenary sessions, workshops were offered at two different sessions. They were varied and well attended. Two vulnerable couples shared their testimonies of how God had worked in their marriages to bring new life. About thirty-five couples, who had been married for six years or less, had a special dinner together which featured a panel of “wizened” couples who answered questions posited by the young marrieds. At least that many couple attended the pastors’ breakfast, which featured Paul and me addressing issues unique to ministry marriages.
Paul and I spoke at three of the plenary sessions carrying out the theme of “Refresh” by springboarding off the twenty-third Psalm. It was truly comforting to be reminded, as we emerge from the past two “upside down” years, that our Good Shepherd leads us beside still waters and refreshes and restores our souls. Brant Hansen, author of several books including the soon-to-be-released The Men We Need, spoke on forgiveness during the Saturday night plenary session and was as always, was very well received.
Of the 162 couples in attendance, thirteen of the couples were “Eusebians” from the “Eusebia Marriage Experience” conference we’ve been partnering with for the past four years. We couldn’t have been more pleased than we were to have these couples, who have become dear friends and ministry partners, join with us for the weekend. Their fearless leaders, Dr. Harold and Dalia Arnold, rallied their troops, most of whom drove quite a distance to attend. Harold and Dalia also led a popular workshop. After the concert Saturday night, we gathered with the “Eusebians” to connect and share ideas and we had such sweet fellowship.
Opening night! A full ballroom of very happy-to-be-together couples.
“Bumper” and Suzanne Hidalgo vulnerably shared their journey through pain to redemption.
Dr. Harold and Dalia Arnold shared how God has increased their joy in marriage these past five years.
Brant Hansen engages the audience with sage words about forgiveness.
The “Under-Six-Years-Married” crew asked great questions of Ryan and Kelly Plosker, Rob and Gabby Warren, and Paul and me.
After the plenary session Saturday night, Danny Oertli and Dave Beagle entertained us with their extreme talent on guitars and vocals. Though optional, most people stayed and enjoyed the concert while eating homemade cookies.
The “cookie bar” has become a sweet tradition for the Saturday night “after hours” event.
Danny Oertli and Dave Beagle showcased their extreme talent during the Saturday night after hours concert.
The “late night” crowd burned the almost midnight oil. This is part of the “Eusebian” contingent and oh, how we loved connecting with them!
We were so delighted to have Brant and Carolyn Hansen with us for the weekend.
A very sweet reunion of Berea family campers was had.
Our sweet spot…proclaiming the goodness of God’s design for marriage.
During the weekend, we honored the memories of Kit Hendricks, long time HIM Board member, who passed away while our last conference in Feb. 2020 was ending, and of Tommy Devlin, our beloved state trooper and a charter member of the HIM family, who passed away Sept 3, 2020. And we wrapped up the weekend praying over Jim and Holly Mullens, who have been a part of the HIM family for years and who became a part of Eusebia this past October. Jim is battling stage 4 colon cancer but, determined to not miss this weekend, he secured permission from his oncologist to come and that they did. It was a powerful time of prayer led by Harold and Sean.
Harold and Dalia Arnold and Sean and Lori Crystostom pray over Jim and Holly Mullens.
A parting shot of the band, including Jamie and Brittany Phillips, who tended to all things technology related. They all did a great job.
By the time the conference ended, everyone drove off under blue skies and on dry roads. To some degree, maybe the weekend weather was in part a metaphorical reflection of people driving in under very stormy conditions and leaving in “good weather.” This we know: God was with us and all praise is His for whatever happened in individuals’ hearts and in couples’ marriages during the weekend.
Some reflections written on evaluations included:
““Great conference with intentionality—Great speakers—Love all the small touches that consider couples attending; God was triumphant!”
”We get so much out of these conferences every time we come.”
”Loved the Christ-centered worship.”
”We always enjoy our time away and learning how to improve our marriage. It is so encouraging to press into God and all He has for us individually and as a couple.”
”Fully blessed through the speakers and musicians who once again, although, through different circumstances for us, spoke into our hearts with the voice of Christ to forgive, hope, love in the power of Christ. — Thank you !!”
”We are thankful for this rhythm in our marriage—it is essential.”
”We loved it . . . See you next year.””
Very soon after the weekend ended, we were honored to speak at the Business Associates Club in downtown Boston. Invited by the club’s current president, Drake Richey, we were asked to address this secular audience on the subject of marriage. Though a very unusual topic for this group (actually, the first time marriage has been the focus of their monthly meeting), Drake’s observation that marriages have taken a hit during this pandemic and could use some encouragement was spot on. We were very very thankful for how God met us in this unique-for-us setting. We didn’t overtly refer to scripture, but the “three top tips for keeping your marriage alive” were ones we speak on regularly. We were most encouraged to be approached by the longest running club member (10 years) at the end of the talk who sincerely told us “this was the best talk we’ve ever had.” All praise is His!!
Drake and Sarah Richey were delightful hosts for us at the Business Associates Club meeting for which we spoke.
Two days later, Feb. 10, we were off! California bound, we landed in Sacramento and after a night with our dear friends Scott and Sally Shaull, we were off to Live Oak, a town just outside of Yuba City, where we spoke for the Glad Tidings Church. Organized by DJ and Rachel Christ, a couple we met while speaking for the YWAM Family DTS on Kona several years ago, we did a four-session marriage conference Friday night and Saturday morning. Though it was our first time partnering with this church, we deeply resonated with their commitment to be “the hands and feet of Jesus” to a hurting world. Their outreach to the homeless, the addicted, the unwed mothers, etc., is the heartbeat of their church as they offer the hope of the gospel in very tangible ways. We love what they’re doing in the name of Jesus.
DJ and Rachel Christ lead the family and kids ministry at Glad Tidings Church, and Dave and Cheryl Bryan have been the lead pastors for 32 years. They are “all in” as they bring the hope of the gospel to a very hurting world.
On the drive to our next stop, we had lunch with our dear friends and ministry partners for more than 40 years, Frank and Shirley Stenzel and their daughter Melinda Collins. It was so good to reconnect with people we’ve shared so much life with over the past four decades.
Frank and Shirley Stenzel and daughter Melinda hosted us for lunch as we drove from Live Oak to Red Bluff.
The evening’s engagement was at Calvary Chapel of Red Bluff, where a delightful couples’ date night was held. We loved everything about the evening. A beautifully set room, a delicious dinner served by high-school-students-turned-waitstaff, some fun interactive table games, sought after prizes, an encouraging talk on marriage, AND childcare. It was very well planned and executed.
The highlight for us was partnering with Robert and Abbey Kovacs, the ones responsible for making this night happen. Robert grew up coming to family camp and eventually served on staff for several summers. We attended his and Abbey’s wedding last May and rejoiced when Robert was hired as worship pastor for this church. It was so gratifying to join forces with them for this special event and to again worship under Robert’s leadership.
It was also a joy to have several longtime family campers attend the evening. We deeply miss our annual summer reunion with so many beloved friends so this was a gift to us to reconnect with some of the “village."
The high schoolers are ready to serve the couples a yummy tri-tip dinner for date night.
Two dearly loved couples from family camp, Joe and Heather Rossi and Cameron and Andrea Kovacs, shared a table with us.
All ages and stages came for the evening.
Robert Kovacs did a great job emceeing the evening.
Our family campers present gathered for a quick photo at the evening’s end.
Dave and Diana Watts sacrificially showed up at both Live Oak and Red Bluff to “man” our book table. We are so grateful for them.
Robert and Abbey Kovacs hosted us in their new home and took care of all the details at the church.
Sunday morning, Paul preached alone, giving me an opportunity to listen to my still favorite speaker. He’s still got it!
Paul preached at both services Sunday morning at Calvary Chapel of Red Bluff.
We skedaddled out of Red Bluff and happily made it on time for the 4 pm service at New City Church Oakland (a mere three hours southwest of Red Bluff). We are so thankful to see this young church plant thriving!! The worship was inspiring and Gabe’s message was challenging. Pure joy to be there!
Gabe interviews Isaiah, NCC Oakland’s worship leader, on the recent tsunami which hit Tonga hard. Isaiah has family who live in Tonga and shared with the congregation some of the needs this hard-hit island has following this natural disaster.
We’ve spent the last three days with Kari and Gabe and fam in Oakland. What fun to be with three of our little Valentines on the day, to experience the City Group they host in their home weekly, to walk the kids to school each day, and to just do life with them. We did have a full day of zoom counseling in the mix, but most of the time we enjoyed hanging with them.
And now, we’re on our way to speak in Kauai. We’ll once again be partnering with the Kalaheo Missionary Church and Global Algae Innovations (GAI), who are hosting a date night Friday, a parenting seminar Saturday, preaching Sunday, and speaking to the youth group on relationships on Tuesday.
Valentine’s Day treats to start the day in Oakland.
City Group from NCC Oakland, meeting in the Garcias’ home each week.
We were reflecting on the first seven weeks of 2022 and the amazingly diverse opportunities we’ve already had in this young year. We’ve worshiped twice with New City Church Oakland and its very diverse congregation, spoken for a marriage conference in central Washington state, followed by a conference in a Mennonite church with an elderly congregation in Sarasota, FL. Our HIM marriage conference was next with couples representing 95 different churches in New England and days later, the secular Business Associates Club evening. Glad Tidings Church followed, with its pentecostal, deliverance ministry focus, and most recently Calvary Chapel of Red Bluff.
With the exception of the Business Associates Club, all of our events were with churches that are distinctively different in style and demographics, but are all evangelical and gospel-centered. This is the body of Christ: diverse on purpose, but united in purpose.
What a privilege to be a part of what God is doing all over this country and around the world. Blessed beyond.
One last snow tribute: an iced tree!