“Today has brought me closer to God and to my mom. It has taught me how to face those certain situations and to be able to look at the whole dating thing and real love with a perspective through God’s eyes and what I should do to reflect Him well. I now know how to respect my body and find real true love and not a guy who just likes my physical appearance and not who I really am. I learned a lot today and enjoyed it. It was a really exhilarating experience. Thank you very much.”
—12 year old girl’s evaluation
A phenomenal team assembled to speak from their hearts about God’s design for relationships and sexuality.
Grant and Emily Williams, four-year veterans with TLW-FE, presented from a position of both having been raised in fairly dysfunctional, alcoholic, broken homes, and not learning about God’s design for sexuality until their young adult years. Through the transforming grace of God, they both laid their broken pasts at the foot of the cross and are now almost 12 years into a Christ-centered, vital, and growing marriage. They are raising their three daughters in the love and protection of Biblical guidelines and speak powerfully of the hope of breaking with the past and creating a godly legacy for the next generation. As a 6’8” former offensive lineman for the New England Patriot’s first Super Bowl team, Grant garners respect from all as he authentically speaks of what means more to him than his Super Bowl ring.
Brian and Heather Dietz, also long time veterans with TLW-FE, are a refreshing example of a young couple with great hearts for the Lord and for His purposes. The joy of arranging their lives pre-and post-maritally around God’s good design was apparent as they shared their story. They taught specifically on developing thirst in teens for Christ, which is needed for buy-in to embracing God’s plan for purity and for relationships in general. As directors of the middle-school program at Grace Chapel, they brought a wealth of experience and connectability to the conference.
Paul and I (co-directors of Home Improvement Ministries), rounded out the team. With 32 years of marriage and ministry, our passion for this focus of sexual purity only grows stronger. We gave the key note talk—on “God’s Design for Sexual Purity”—and spoke on the goodness of God’s design and the delights of trusting Him with this very potent area of life.
The six-hour seminar included large group presentations, workshops, and question and answer time. The day culminated with a time of reflection and commitment. Lunch and snacks were also provided (and prepared and served by long-time HIM veteran Jim Martis.) Great resources were available at the book table, operated by Kimary Pomphrett. Both days were full of expectation, vitality, and hope.
Overall feedback was very positive and attendees indicated that it was a day well spent. One mom wrote on her evaluation:
“The workshops we attended were very helpful – I was impressed with the speakers’ genuineness and their willingness to be vulnerable with teens and parents alike. My daughter went to Julie and Lisa’s workshop and was encouraged by how they emphasized saying “Yes” to Jesus’ best for their lives rather than just “No.” I am so grateful that her take-away from the day was so positive and that she not only wants to commit herself to purity, but also to getting to know Christ better.”
At the end of the day, that expressed well the heart desire of all those on the team. Choosing sexual purity is closely linked with choosing to follow Jesus wholly, in every area of life. Our prayers will continue on behalf of each of the teens who made commitments to honor God with their sexuality – and to increasingly believe that “sex is great . . . it’s worth the wait . . . and each one of them is worth waiting for.”