Fully Alive—in Christ and in Marriage
The 2019 H.I.M. Marriage Retreat will be a weekend to remember . . .
Save the date! February 8-10, 2019
Gurney's Newport Resort & Marina
Goat Island, Newport, RI
The theme will be Fully Alive: In Christ and in Marriage. Paul and Virginia Friesen will once again be the speakers, and their tentative session titles are: “Fully Alive through Sacrificial Love,” “Fully Alive through Beneficial Communication,” “Fully Alive in Marital Intimacy,” and “Fully Alive When It Doesn’t Feel Alive.”
Dave Bullock and his team have agreed to return in 2019 to lead worship again. A number of our workshop leaders have already signed on again as well, but we are also excited for some new workshop leaders and topics for next year.