"Marriage Strong"
No matter where you are in your marriage, the Marriage Strong Conference will help strengthen your relationship. Join us as Drs. Paul & Virginia Friesen of Home Improvement Ministries lead us through 4 sessions that focus on:
why loving your spouse sacrificially is a win-win; why love and respect are critical to a strong marriage; how understanding each other's uniquess can enhance your marriage; and how approaching your marriage from a God-centered view can bring lasting joy.
Friday, Oct 20: 6:30 - 8:45 PM
Saturday, Oct 21: 8:15 AM - 12:30 PM
Cost of the conference is $40 per couple which includes light snacks and beverages.
Childcare available for a flat fee of $15 per child with a $30 family maximum, regardless of the # of sessions attended.
Childcare is extended 2 hours beyond the conference time on Saturday so you can enjoy some time together after the sessions are done.
Registration required.