The Delight of . . . in Marriage (Four CDs)

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The Delight of . . . in Marriage (Four CDs)


This set includes all four CDs in the “The Delight of . . . in Marriage” series:

The Delight of Experiencing Love and Respect in Marriage

To purchase the digital MP3 download of this talk, click here.

For most women, feeling cherished by their husband is one of their greatest desires. For most men, feeling respected by their wife is one of their greatest desires. Often we miss loving each other fully when husbands fail to make their wife a priority and wives critique and control their husband. Cherished wives and respected husbands will flourish in the marriage relationship.

  • God's Design: For Adam and Eve to rule together

  • Satan's Desire: Destruction of your marriage

  • Couple's Decision: Reversing the curse

The Delight of Sacrificial Love in Marriage

To purchase the digital MP3 download of this talk click here.

We all have a desire to be loved, but sometimes find love elusive. Too often we expect marriage to make us happy, rather than seeing marriage as an opportunity to sacrificially love our mate. The irony is when we sacrificially love our mate—as God designed us to—we usually find that our mate responds with sacrificial love in return.

  • Dilemma we have regarding marital intimacy

  • Design of God for marital intimacy

  • Deception from Satan regarding marital intimacy

  • Discipline required for marital intimacy

  • Delight in experiencing marital intimacy

The Delight of Sexual Intimacy in Marriage

To purchase the digital MP3 download of this talk, click here.

Is there anything that brings more ecstasy and tension than marital sexuality? God’s incredible gift of sexual expression to marriage couples has the potential to bring them together as nothing else. It should not be a surprise then that Satan hates great marital sexual expression. Celebrate this great gift from God and don’t let Satan spoil it.

  • Origins of sexual expectations in marriage

  • God’s design for marital sexual expression

  • Challenges to experiencing God’s design for marital sexual intimacy

  • Growing in marital intimacy

The Delight of Uniqueness in Marriage

To purchase the digital MP3 download of this talk, click here.

Psalm 139 says that each of us is wonderfully and fearfully made, but those “wonderful” things about our mate often exhibit themselves in “not so wonderful” ways after marriage. Understanding and celebrating our uniqueness as individuals allow us truly to be “better together.”

  • All “fearfully and wonderfully made”

  • God’s unique design for our temperaments

  • Using our uniqueness to be better together

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Four CDs, each containing an audio lesson of approximately 45-65 minutes, taught by Drs. Paul and Virginia Friesen. Also included is an electronic copy of participants’ handouts for use in small-group studies, with permission to print as many copies as needed.

Drs. Paul and Virginia Friesen were married in 1976 and are the parents of three young women, two of whom are now married to wonderful, Godly men.  They have been involved in Family Ministries for over 40 years through family camps, church staff positions, speaking, consulting, and writing. In 2003, they founded Home Improvement Ministries (, a non-profit organization dedicated to equipping individuals and churches to better encourage marriages and families in living out God's design for healthy relationships.

As the lead resource couple at Home Improvement Ministries, the Friesens regularly speak at marriage, men’s, and women’s conferences in the US and internationally, as well as local family and parenting seminars, and have an ongoing ministry with several professional athletic teams.  Paul and Virginia both have Doctorates in Marriage and Family Therapy from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and have authored over 10 books and DVD series.

Paul and Virginia’s greatest joy in life is knowing that their children are walking in the Truth.